
"An error in the beginning is an error indeed." - St. Thomas Aquinas
"Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine." - St. Thomas Aquinas

Project Ultrasound

***10 Week Challenge Update: Week 1 9/12-9/16 10.75

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy Feast of The Holy Family!

We had a visiting priest today! He was a Marine Chaplain. He gave us homework. Find out why the three kings are misdirected in how they are depicted. They come bearing gifts. They seem to be giving those gifts. Why are they misdirected. The kids were trying to figure it out. They figured out that the kings, not Kings at all, but Magi (teachers of wisdom), should be prostrate, according to Matthew 2:11. Perhaps instead of focusing on the gifts they have brought to The King, they are realizing The King is the gift to them.

They are going to get their answer to our Deacons to see if they are close. Father gave a great homily. Taking the Christ Child from the manger scene to the left of the altar and placing Him in the center of the altar, with the shepherd nearby. I can't put it the way he did, I wish I had written it down, but he explained some how each Feast is part of the whole picture. The shepherds come to the Good Shepherd, the three days journey to find the 12 year old Christ, the three days in the tomb before the resurrection. It was very exciting the way he opened the scriptures to us.
We hope to learn more from him.

It's been a good to have hubby home..he goes back to work this week. We've played tons of scrabble (I lost a game, but tied one as well) the boys are learning that their is a reason for vocabulary lessons! :)

We watched Gone With The Wind, I'm rereading the book and rediscovering why I love it all over again. The girls love My Fair Lady and have watched it three times now! I even sat down to watch Star Trek with the boys. They have been begging me and I finally relented. Glad it's done.

School will be back in session before we know it. 2010 looms before us. We will have a 16 year old. Wow. I remember those days. Scary!

1 comment:

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

Sounds like a wonderful mass!

Merry Christmas!


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