
"An error in the beginning is an error indeed." - St. Thomas Aquinas
"Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine." - St. Thomas Aquinas

Project Ultrasound

***10 Week Challenge Update: Week 1 9/12-9/16 10.75

Whaddya Say?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Send Him a Note

and tell him to stop endangering our troops! This Pastor out of Florida wants to burn Koran's on the anniversary of 9/11. He's got his reasons, his website details them. He's also been warned by Gen Petraeus and others, that this type of protest is particularly bad for our troops in Afghanistan. It is just what the Taliban is looking for to incite more violence against Americans.

Afghanistan does not need MORE violence. Just the other day 5 soldiers, one a military chaplain, were killed. It is already volatile enough. I get the pastors desire to "stand up". But not when you begin to endanger others who are fighting for your very freedom to do so.

I'm not a sympathizer for the other guys. It just irks me when someone knowingly continues with behavior that directly endangers our troops.

If you agree, you can send him an email on his church website Dove World Outreach Center or a letter at

5805 NW 37th St
Gainesville, FL 32653

Tell him to stop endangering our troops!


Maurisa said...

Will do! This is very troubling.

Dawn said...

Thank you Maurisa!


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