When I visited the polling center yesterday to cast my ballot, the lines were long so myself and about 40 others were sent to a room to wait. We got to watch T.V..guess which channel? CNN. My state went for McCain, but not for lack of trying.
Our new POTUS elect has already began his backtracking with his comment "The road ahead will be long, our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year, or even in one term, but America I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there." (emphasis mine)
yup, and so it goes. pray for his conversion.
Hang in there - this is not the end . . . it might be the beginning of the end, but it's not the end yet!!
And just where is he proposing we are going to? I still feel like this isn't the yellow brick road. We're going to have to fast and pray a very long time. But you know what? I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me. And so can you and you and you and you and you . . .
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