
"An error in the beginning is an error indeed." - St. Thomas Aquinas
"Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine." - St. Thomas Aquinas

Project Ultrasound

***10 Week Challenge Update: Week 1 9/12-9/16 10.75

Whaddya Say?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Merry Monday

Thanks to Aussie Coffee Shop!

You Are Scrabble

You are incredibly clever and witty. You can talk your way out of (and into) situations easily.
You are an excellent decision maker. You are good at weighing the options in front of you.
You're the type of person who can make something out of nothing. You are very resourceful.
You know a lot of things. Most importantly, you know when people are wrong - even when they won't admit it.

This is weird because Scrabble is my most favorite board game of all!


Therese said...

I don't even know how to play Chinese Checkers.

Sarah - Kala said...

Well, I do know you can talk your way into and out of stuff. Yup. That's you!

I ended up being CHESS - like, the worst game ever!! I didn't post it on my blog, though. I ususally have "error" messages when I try and post that stuff and it drives me nuts. Anyway, Chess? The description of Chess was bang on, but c'mon. Am I dull? Maybe I'll post results regardless of the annoyance.

Sarah - Kala said...

Oh, Therese, Chinese Checkers is fun! You should check it out!

Suzanne said...

I was Scrabble, but I like Boggle.
My daughter and I just played several rounds of Boggle. She tore me up in more rounds, but I had the higher total score by 2 big ol pts!

Dawn said...

Suzanne, I love Boggle too! Word games are tops for me!

Sarah - Kala said...

Stop bragging you two smartypants! I love to read and you'd think I'd be brilliant with Scrabble and Boggle - but I totally STINK at them (ask Dawn). It's true!! I don't have a brain that sees words going diagonal and zeebop all over the place. I'm a bit better at Scrabble, but it's not my fav game. I acutally like games like Trivia. :)

Sarah - Kala said...

I actually know how to spell actually, actually. :)


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