
"An error in the beginning is an error indeed." - St. Thomas Aquinas
"Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine." - St. Thomas Aquinas

Project Ultrasound

***10 Week Challenge Update: Week 1 9/12-9/16 10.75

Whaddya Say?

Friday, December 26, 2008

Ah...the Holiday Season

So..this morning my hubby and I got up and decided to head out and do a little shopping at the post exchange..You know, after Christmas sales and 1/2 price candy. Maybe pick up something cool for Epiphany.

We were tooling around the discounted Christmas candy aisle..really just a few bricks of Christollen that's been around since November 28th, some smashed foiled Lindt reindeer and regularly priced (never on sale) Starbucks gift sets..and I see a clerk wheeling out her cart filled with goodies to stock the shelves..looks like chocolate..red..gold.."maybe she's putting out some good stuff from the stock room" I thought.


I looked closer and it was chocolate..the red and gold boxes were festive enough, however heart shaped they were. Yep. Valentine's Day Candy on December 26th. I had to stop her. What the heck is this? Who would want to eat candy two months old? "Oh, Walmart has had Valentine's Day candy since before Christmas," she says. "Personally, if you ask me," she whispers, "I wouldn't buy it..what if you break up before then? Or get something for someone you don't like anymore in Febuary?" She laughed. I didn't know whether to be shocked more by the thought of Valentine's candy in December or her comments. Both equally shocking.


Gramma 2 Many said...

Both are equally dumb. Just as hauling out Christmas in July. I am truly coming to the conclusion that trying to equate what we celebrate as Christmas to the Birth of our Savior is completely fruitless. Just let the world have this celebration for what it is fast becoming. We can always keep Jesus and his birth privately.
Enjoy Santa and all of his fun with the knowledge that there is no connection whatsoever to the Birth, the Death and the Ressurection.

Sarah - Kala said...

I NEVER celebrate Valentine's Day, but that is just absolutely shocking as hell.

I had to shop at Food Lion 'cos our commissary was closed today. I suppose it meant to be, but I was too embarrassed to pull up to the door and try and squint reading a probable noticed posted on the front doors. There were "workers" milling around. The light was out at the cross road, so I wonder . . . anyway, I got what I needed at a 20% increase. Huh. :-)

Anyway, I have to say about the candy. It's out early for choco-holics that will eat through about a tin a month - then they'll rush back to buy for their loved one(s) the day before or of Valentine's Day. Right? Maybe they put it out early to make sure they sell it all? Who knows. It's all daft.

Maurisa said...

Yikes on both accounts!!!


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