
"An error in the beginning is an error indeed." - St. Thomas Aquinas
"Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine." - St. Thomas Aquinas

Project Ultrasound

***10 Week Challenge Update: Week 1 9/12-9/16 10.75

Whaddya Say?

Monday, April 13, 2009

On Air Travel

I just got off the phone with my little brother. He had just arrived in Atlanta for a class he is taking at the CDC. I laughed so hard I had to share this.

He was scheduled to leave from BWI at 2:30 this afternoon. Unfortunately for him and many others, all flights into Atlanta were delayed a minimum of 2 hours due to foul weather. Already through the gate, his wife on her way home, he spent 4 hours in BWI. Finally on the plane, an Air Tran "jet", the fun began. This is how he relayed it..."it was like flying on a jet from munchkin land," the seat had a butt print on it that didn't fit any normal humans derriere and the seat back was about 4 inches too narrow. Therefore, his shoulders stuck out in the aisle to be knocked by the flight attendant on each pass. When he reclined the seat it made an audible "pop" and actually realigned his spine in a very unnatural position.

I asked him if they at least provided a free snack. "Oh, Yes," he replied. "Gourmet mini pretzels. Each pretzel was about the size of my thumbnail. The back of the package stated 'How To Eat Gourmet Mini Pretzels: Open bag, insert pretzel in mouth, when you feel the crunch think about how much money you've saved flying Air Tran'"

He's safely and thankfully, comfortably installed in his hotel- which, by the way, doesn't even have the Discovery channel :) - and ready to get some rest. He's still laughing about his experience flying Air Tran and so am I.

I just had to share that.

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