the voices on these two women. The first moment I heard this song (in 4th grade, sung by our music teacher) I loved it. This version is, for me, awesome. Enjoy..
Whaddya Say?
Saturday, January 30, 2010
I just love...
Friday, January 29, 2010
I finally did it!
I managed to save $20.00 at the commissary today!!! Turning what would have been a $270 bill into a $250 bill!! Plus, I saved big on the tip for the baggers as I employed my two boys to do the job! Hooray! I am exhausted but so dern happy I had to blog about it!
I even managed to hold off the commissary shopping until we were down to bare bones. No milk for 4 days! No bread for a week! We were being extremely creative in the kitchen this week. I finally broke down today when the kids balked at buckwheat pancakes. (They were a little dry, but a friend had given us the box and there was no cereal and no milk..even so, I won't be buying that one anytime soon)
I am going to start doing the coupon thing in earnest. Although the commissary does not double coupons, I am happy to save as much as possible. I'd love to be able to get stuff for free, but I don't have time to go around to all the neighborhood shops and score the deals. I'll save where I can at the commissary!
Anyhow, long blog post for really just a big ol' slap happy hoorah! I saved a bunch of money on my groceries!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
State of the Union
I did watch the State of the Union(SOTU) last night. Much has been said about it, good and bad. I wasn't watching it for any "political" reasons. I didn't expect much "change" in what Obama was going to say. Folks were pondering whether or not he would lean towards the "center". I don't think he could do that now without making himself look fake.
Which is why I decided to post on this. Like I said, I didn't watch it for political reasons. I don't expect him to change is ideologies overnight or because of one lost Senate seat. I watched because I was "hoping" to see the "man". The person. Barack Obama. I have a title on my sidebar.."Just who is this guy?" The talk of him being disconnected from the American people is spot on.
It really irked me that he only looked at the "American People" once during his 70 minute speech. His head swivels left and right..but never at us. The viewers. Hey! Aren't you talking to us? I wondered. So I decided to do a little research on past SOTU addresses. I watched addresses by the last 4 Presidents. G.W, Clinton, G.H.W.B and Reagan. They all addressed congress in the "left to right" fashion. Okay, so I was feeling like I was just blowing it out of proportion. Still, something bothers me about Obama's addresses. I continued to watch these other presidents and realized it's not where they look that made me interested. It was the way they said what they said. Even Clinton, of whom I am no fan, had a character to his voice that made you listen. Last night, I had trouble keeping my eyes open during Obama's address and I noticed even good ol' Harry Reid had to stifle a yawn. Obama is boring. In my opinion, his voice lacks any quality of character. The only reason I sat up in my seat was to keep from falling asleep.
Lots of folks have lauded him on his speech abilities, but I beg to differ. He doesn't sound, to me, like he is genuine. Like he really means it.
Okay. These are just my observations. Whatever your political affiliation, I think both sides of the aisle were having trouble staying awake and interested. Where is his character? What am I not seeing that this guy supposedly has? I don't see charisma or charm like Clinton, "fatherly wisdom" like Reagan or even good ol' southern determination like G.W. Does it even matter? I think it does. We need a reason to trust this guy and instead of giving me a warm fuzzy that our great Country is on the rise, I get the heebie jeebies when I think of whose in charge.
Your thoughts?
C-Span SOTU videos
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
March For Life 2010
In some of the pictures from the March you can see how far down Constitution people are..and they just kept coming for 3 hours!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
In the meantime...
I will post the pictures from the march this afternoon. They are on my daughters camera and I haven't yet had a chance to upload them. I was busy with catching up yesterday.
In the meantime here's another selection from my big sis M. Enjoy...
Anita Baker's Body & Soul
Monday, January 25, 2010
back home. We were greeted with rain and wind like the dickens last night as we drove in. Thanks be to God, we made it home okay. I have pictures to post of the March and will do that as soon as I get them uploaded to the computer.
Thanks to all for your prayers for a safe trip and good weather at the March. It was cold, but the sun came out just as the march was beginning and it warmed up quickly. I didn't get to meet up with any fellow bloggers, the crowd was just too big to try to find anyone.
We also spent some time with my newest nephew and he is just about the most adorable baby evah! (of course, I would say that..I am a proud auntie!) Seriously, he is so dern cute! My brother and sister in law are truly blessed with a cutie pie and a good temperament to boot. He barely made a peep while we were there. Grandma and Grandpa made an appearance as well and it was just a wonderful weekend.
More to come in the way of pictures. This morning is back to work and school. I'll post more soon!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The weather man is not playing nice...
The weather is not looking good right now. Calling for freezing rain tonight and wintry mix tomorrow with a highs in the upper 20's and lower 30's. Brrrrrrr. We've got coats, gloves, hats and scarves and we did bring umbrellas. However, not sure how the roads are gonna be and if the bus will be moving.
Pray for a least no icy roads.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
On the Road Again!
I can't wait to get to DC this year! It's going to be historic! I can feel it! Watch out Washington! Here we come!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Nine years ago...
very early in the morning, my little Mr. Pinch came into the world. Surprising us all with her blond hair and oh so fair skin. I shared this awesome experience with my sister and my 3 other lovelies. Hubby was floating out somewhere in the Pacific and biting his nails waiting for news. (He returned from deployment 3 months later)
She's my diva extraordinaire..her giggles are infectious...she's joyful and happy and just exactly everything a 9 year old is supposed to be. Innocent. She loves her sister and brothers and God. Her favorite saints are Saint Cecilia, Saint Bernadette and Saint Therese. Her favorite food is tacos. Soft, burrito style. Her favorite color is green. Her favorite hobby is playing Webkinz. She likes to read, Little Women sits on her bedside table. She likes laser tag and swimming. Her favorite animal is the good ol' dog, Yorkshire Terriers and Welsh Corgi's to be specific. Her favorite movie is The Phantom of The Opera. Her favorite song is "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. Her favorite superpower is flying and invisibility. (Wonder Woman anyone?) She's not much of a t.v fan. She prefers water to soda pop. She's a candy fiend. She wants to live on a island with her sister one day. She plans on being roommates with her sister forever and ever. She's great at Wii Resorts Cycling and Swordplay. She creams the rest of the family! Knocked Dad off the platform with a vengeance! (yes, he pouted)
She's got a great smile and a horrible whine! I love her tons and tons. Happy Birthday Mr. Pinch!
Some pics of Mr. Pinch through the years...
Sweet Music...
Looking over at Sarah-Kala's pics of a beautiful Hawaii day, I was left in awe of God's creation. Since I don't get to Hawaii much and haven't found much inspiration here in the winter months, I started thinking of other ways that I am inspired and awed at God's creation.
I love it, mostly all kinds, with the exception of gangsta rap and heavy metal. (I do like to understand the lyrics now and then) Not that those two styles are bad, just not for me. Music takes me to another level and when I hear a good or great singer I am awed by God's gifts to others. His creation, so to speak, in others.
So I wanted to highlight a little known singer that I absolutely love. Her name is Michelle*. I will be posting more of her covers, but this a start. Etta James' At Last:
Who's your favorite singer? What's your favorite song? I love some James Taylor (my hubby proposed to me at one of his concerts). My favorite song by him...You've Got a Friend. Kitchsy, I know, but I love it. It reminds me that I am there for others always.
*disclaimer: Michelle is my sister ;) so I may be just a tiny bit biased. I love to hear her sing, it brings tears of joy to my eyes. M, if you are reading this..I love ya and miss you tons!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Sunday Bible Reflections with Dr. Scott Hahn
January 17, 2010 - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
In the Wedding
Isaiah 62:1-5
Psalm 96:1-3, 7-10
1 Corinthians 12:4-11
John 2:1-12 (see also “’On the Hour’”)
Think of these first weeks after Christmas as a season of “epiphanies.” The Liturgy is showing us Who Jesus is and what He has revealed about our relationship with God.
Last week and the week before, the imagery was royal and filial - Jesus is the newborn king of the Jews who makes us co-heirs of Israel’s promise, beloved children of God. Last week in the Liturgy we went to a Baptism.
This week we’re at a wedding.
We’re being shown another dimension of our relationship with God. If we’re sons and daughters of God, it’s because we’ve married into the family.
Have you ever wondered why the Bible begins and ends with a wedding - Adam and Eve’s in the garden and the marriage supper of the Lamb (compare Genesis 2:23-24 and Revelation 19:9; 21:9; 22:17)?
Throughout the Bible, marriage is the symbol of the covenant relationship God desires with His chosen people. He is the Groom, humanity His beloved and sought-after bride. We see this reflected beautifully in today’s First Reading.
When Israel breaks the covenant she is compared to an unfaithful spouse (see Jeremiah 2:20-36; 3:1-13). But God promises to take her back, to “espouse” her to Him forever in an everlasting covenant (see Hosea 2:18-22).
That’s why in today’s Gospel, Jesus performs His first public “sign” at a wedding feast.
Jesus is the divine Bridegroom (see John 3:29), calling us to His royal wedding feast (see Matthew 22:1-14). By His New Covenant, He will become “one flesh” with all humanity in the Church (see Ephesians 5:21-33). By our Baptism, each of us has been betrothed to Christ as a bride to a Husband (see 2 Corinthians 11:2).
The new wine that Jesus pours out at today’s feast is the gift of the Holy Spirit given to His bride and body, as today’s Epistle says. This is the “salvation” announced to the “families of nations” in today’s Psalm.
On “The Hour”
“The Hour” of Jesus is a key theme in the Gospel for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C). Indeed, it’s a key theme in the entire Gospel of John.
Literally, “The Hour” of Jesus is the time of His crucifixion, His self-offering on the cross.
But there is also a “spiritual” way to read the passages that refer to Jesus’ hour - a way of reading that reveals how “The Hour” of Jesus continues in the Mass:
Jesus says that the hour is coming when we’ll worship in a new way - in Spirit and in truth (see John 4:23-24). We’ll gather in that hour as “Greeks” and “Jews” to celebrate a new Passover feast, He says (see John 4:23; 12:20-23).
In that hour, the dead will hear His voice and have life by His Word (see John 5:24-25). And in that hour we will receive miraculous, new wine (see John 2:9-10) and the “fruit” of the grain of wheat sown in the ground (see John 12:13-24).
We have here, in the description of Jesus’ “hour,” a picture of the Mass. The Mass is a spiritual worship in which we join the choirs of angels in heaven. It’s a living remembrance of His last Passover supper in which we who were once dead in sin hear His Word in Scripture, and receive living bread and new wine.
When His hour finally came, “blood and water” flowed from His side (see John 19:34). It was a final sign that His “hour” continues in the Sacraments of the Church, especially in Baptism and the Eucharist. Every time we celebrate the sacred mysteries, we enter into “The Hour” of Jesus which is signified and made present in the Liturgy (see Catechism, nos. 1165, 1225).
For more on “The Hour,” see Chapter 9 of Scott Hahn’s Scripture Matters: Essays in Reading the Bible From the Heart of the Church.
Friday, January 15, 2010
While you were sleeping...ADDED: Links
Once again, under cover of darkness, another deal has been struck. Labor Unions got a bribe, excuse me, deal that will secure their vote for Obamacare.
Now that you've had your coffee and your eyes are opened, take a looksee...
Huffington Post
Wall Street Journal
Guess who'll be picking up the and me. Another deal done in darkness sheds much light on this administration.
Isaiah 1:23 Your rulers are rebels And companions of thieves; Everyone loves a bribe And chases after rewards. They do not defend the orphan, Nor does the widow's plea come before them. (NIV)
Some more links for your perusal.
From Peggy Noonan:The real story is that his rhetorical and iconic detachment are harped on because they reflect a deeper disconnect, the truly problematic one, and that is over policy. It doesn't really matter how he sounds. It matters, in a time of crisis, what he does. That's where the lack of connection comes in. more...
From Karl Rove:Americans learned last year that President Obama discards campaign promises like most people discard used Kleenex. Among the pledges he cast aside were reducing the deficit, reining in federal spending, not allowing lobbyists to work in his administration, increasing taxes only on those who make more than $250,000, and opposing "government-run health care" because it is "extreme." more...
Thursday, January 14, 2010
What's he up to now?
While the media and talking heads were worrying about Harry Reid and his negro comment, President Obama was quietly signing yet another executive order.
This one to establish a Council of Governors.When appointed, the Council will be reviewing such matters as involving the National Guard of the various States; homeland defense; civil support; synchronization and integration of State and Federal military activities in the United States; and other matters of mutual interest pertaining to National Guard, homeland defense, and civil support activities.
I am in the midst of researching this and it's not very easy to find info on it. What does it mean for America? For our military forces? Why do this without letting the American people know?
Why does this administration wag the dog? I don't want to inspire any "conspiracy" theories, but come on? What's going on in that White House? If it looks like a fish, smells like one..well, it just might be one and the American People are going to find out too late.
Have you heard of it? I need some great thinkers out there to help explain this one.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
March For Life 2010
Any bloggers out there heading to the March For Life in Washington D.C. this year? We'll be there..praying for warm weather and lots and lots of people. Last year I was able to meet one blogger up there and it was a lot of fun! We should make a banner..bloggers for life!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Playin' The Game...
From Sarah Kala...let's play!
One Word Comment
Leave a ONE word comment that you think best describes me. It can only be one word. No more than one word. Then copy & paste this post on your blog so I can leave a word about you.
Friday, January 8, 2010
I am sick and tired...
of the current news. I don't know about you, but it is so dark and down and depressing. I am one who usually watches the news (fox, cnn, nbc, abc, cbs) and reads all the "online papers" (wsj, nyt,) and keeps up with current political blogs and websites. I do this because I want to be informed. Lately, however, I don't want to be informed. I don't want to hear it anymore. All I hear and see are lies, infidelities, murders and crap crap crap. Ugh. I can't even make sense of the political junk that's been going on. It's so disappointing. I am truly sickened by the state of affairs of our government. It's disgusting. As an American I demand much better than this. I demand a President and a Congress that takes things seriously, that cares much more about it's citizens than does this current parcel of idiots.
We can't even get our President to wear a dern tie (I know it sounds trivial, but it matters!). For goodness sake, they've made him into a Chia pet. Ugh.
Our "leaders" in Congress are so bold as to tell us to our faces that they don't give a crap what we think and we are expected to take it. It's just ridiculous. I certainly hope that a better kind of people step up to the plate this November. I will vote. That's the kind of "change" we need. Professionals. People who know what they are doing and do it well. Not pandering jokesters who are drunk with their own power and recklessly plow through the Constitution without a cop in sight.
Your thoughts?
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Bless This House
My husband led the family in the traditional Epiphany house blessing this evening after dinner. It was quite touching for me. Mr. Big Boy read from Luke, about Zaccheus and Jesus' meeting. Z just wanted to catch a glimpse of Jesus and he got so much more.
Hubby marked the doors with the blessing "Peace be to this house and all who live here". Then wrote above each door 20+C+M+B+10. In searching for the blessing prayers I found this blog...Perpetual Priest You can click on it to go to the blessing and a quick explanation of what it means. I encourage you to check out the latest entries there, especially the latest homily on this years Epiphany. Wonderful stuff.
God is truly good and truly present in our world. He is here, in my home, tonight! I have just a inkling of what Z must have felt, way back when.
Wii are Fit! UPDATE!!
I did get on the treadmill for 30 minutes today for a nice brisk walk! My ankle is doing much better today! Hooray! I also managed to get the filing cabinet completely done! Got my chalk blessed and thanks to Sarah Kala got dinner on the table in a hurry! :) won't think about that right now..I'll think about that tomorrow.
Just did the Wii Fit for 30 minutes. Love the cycling..although I'm not much good at finding the dern flags. Did 22 minutes of yoga and some hula hoop. Love it! I can't run yet, but that's coming soon. I'm itching. I'll walk on the treadmill today for 30 minutes. Sometime. Today is Epiphany. We have Mass and Father is going to bless our chalk. We'll do the ceremony when hubby gets home today. We like him to be in charge of blessing the house.
I am going to start working on that filing cabinet today. I think. Don't let me get distracted. If I don't post about it than you know I didn't do it. :)
Kids are just getting up. Tomorrow we start school..2nd quarter. yippee!
I like starting the day off with exercise. I really do feel better! Go figure.
P.S. Happy Birthday Father J.!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Finally Clean!
In my last post I told how Sarah Kala had inspired me to work on my filing cabinet. Well...I haven't quite gotten to that yet. However, I did manage to rearrange and reorder my "spare" room. It is now our office. I took apart the "bed" and put the extra mattress on Mr. MiddleMan's bed..he's got a softer one now. :)
Then moved all the Christmas decorations from that room to my room and finally to their resting closet. Yes. It is that big. Sinful, really.
Here are some pics of the spaces: I didn't get a before of the spare was too horrendous!
The office..yep..we do use that treadmill for walking/running!The Christmas Decorations "before", taking up the left side of my room.
All Clean!
The Closet/storage place. We don't have any other storage except this closet. We'll be working on the attic soon.
My next subject to tackle..the office desk and the filing cabinet, currently out of view.
In With the New, Out With the Old
Sarah Kala over at "the road" has reminded me once again of things that need to be done. I've got some clearing out to do. We started rearranging yesterday and putting up Christmas decorations. They are all going upstairs in that ridiculously large closet of mine. We are turning the extra bedroom downstairs into an office. It doesn't get used much as a bedroom anyhow.
I need to get through the filing cabinet, clean it out and re-organize it. Labels and all. I am so not! a label person, but it needs to be done.
I twisted a tendon in my ankle last week and it is still bothering me. Went to the doc yesterday and got the RICE talk. Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. Hard to do when you need to get things moving around the house. 8 years ago I severely sprained it, resulting in a casting. Took a step down and landed wrong. Doc says I should have had physical therapy to strengthen it at that time. I didn't. Needless to say I have numerous problems with that ankle. So this time, I've been referred to Physical Therapy.
It was really bad last evening. I was on my feet all day yesterday and it was just swollen and aching. Ugh. I. need. to. be. able. to. get. around! I've got school starting up this week, work on Friday and our ladies group kickoff function to coordinate and run on Thursday. So, we'll see what gives.
Mmmmmm. My coffee is tasty this morning. The other morning as I was letting out the doggie, I noticed a cardinal in the trees behind the fence. So I've been going out every morning to try and spot him.'s cold! my jammies are still warming up. But it's such a pleasant experience to watch him fly through the trees. His red feathers so bright against the drab browns of the deadwood surrounding me. Even his song is so different and interesting. It's worth a few minutes of cold. I've got to find a way to get him to land in my yard! :)(then I could watch from the window..inside the house!) Any suggestions?
Anyhow, the sun is coming up and I must start this day. Blessings to you all!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Good Times Remembered
Friday, January 1, 2010
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