I watched the Restoring Honor Rally yesterday.
I watched the news clips of Al Sharpton's MLK march.
Is Glenn Beck on to something?
Isn't Al Sharpton a "Reverend"?
Shouldn't they have worked together?
Weren't their messages the same at the root?
National Unity. Under God.
The Reverend inferred that only black Americans can honor MLK
Yet, Beck's crowd was mostly white.
Why is there always the division based on race?
Sometimes those who decry it, maybe unwittingly advance it.
Black people love God.
White people love God.
Is it possible to love Him from the same place?
Whaddya Say?
Sunday, August 29, 2010
What's God Got To Do With It?
Friday, August 27, 2010
Friday Flashback!
These cousins (mine and my sisters boys) were all born within two years of each. This pic was taken at my mom's house in PA, in 1997, before our transfer to Guam.
My sisters boys are on either side (blondie and funny face) and my 2 are in the middle (plaid shirt and crazy baby)..what was I thinking with that hat? :) It must have been cold.
I wish we were closer! For now, we are separated by a few thousand miles(according to Yahoo! Maps, 2290.44 to be exact). One day hopefully we will be nearer each other...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Electronic Meltdowns
So this weekend we had to buy a new washer. The electronic "locking" mechanism broke in our old one and to find the part and replace it would cost almost as much as a new washer.
Bought a Frigidaire Affinity. Front loader. Nice. Energy saver. The Lord knows I need to save energy. I'm not sure how I like it yet. We had it delivered yesterday and have been washing since. 3 days without a laundry machine and the monster rears it's ugly head. I'd post a picture but we had another electronic meltdown yesterday..
The monitor on my computer died. Just refused to come one. Actually if I turned it off and then back on, I would get about a half second of screen time before it went black. I was all ready to post a pic of my brand new washer..so shiny..so pretty..so flippin' expensive..and the monitor craps on the desk.
I just looked at it. C'mon! Really? Hubby, who was playin' the video game (which never seems to have a meltdown EVER) ignored me.
So I turned the thing off, told God I guess he needed me to take a break from the internet and walked out. Me talkin' to God out loud got hubby's attention. He quit playing to figure out why I was doing such strange things..
After researching a dozen stores and websites for a new or used monitor, I discovered hubby looking at t.v. ads. He nonchalantly mentions we could use the t.v. as a monitor. This is something I have been avoiding for a few reasons. Zero privacy. Not that I'm lookin' at stuff I ain't supposed to be! But sometimes I don't want the kids reading my email while they eat their cheerios ya know? And also because it's not an ergonomic situation. I have to sit on the floor or the couch and I don't like either..I'm such a complainer. Hubby made this cute little lapboard for the keyboard and mouse.
So..it will take some adjustments but we have my computer hooked up to our t.v. So I'm posting from the kids laptop in the schoolroom. Go figure.
One of these days I'll get that pic of the washer up..or not. I lost the desire to post about it after I had to wash 10 loads of laundry..I am gonna lose my ever-lovin' mind if them kids don't wear those shorts twice! Give me a break guys!
I hope nothing else breaks. Who is the patron saint of electronics?
Saturday, August 21, 2010
It's a Right!
To life!
I just attended a Right to Life dinner last evening. We were called to do something. Whether it's march, educate, donate or just pray. DO SOMETHING.
The ultrasound I posted in my previous post is of my 10 week old gift from God. God, Our Father, has allowed my husband and I to participate in the creation of this tiny life. We have brought together all the ingredients and He is going to make them into something awesome!
Yet, it's at this time that women are encouraged to abort. To murder a part of themselves. Physically.
One of the quotes from last night was "Two living people walk into an abortion clinic, two come out..one dead, one injured." A baby is attached to it's mother. Physically. Spiritually. Would you cut off your arm? or leg? The Baby is removed VIOLENTLY. There is no other way. They are taken by surprise, SUCTIONED out in the most common abortion procedure "Vacuum Aspiration".
When people do violence to themselves, through cutting, pulling out hair, etc. They are diagnosed with a mental disorder. They are given therapy..they are thought to be in need of "healing". Yet, a woman is ENCOURAGED to do physical violence to herself AND her baby. She is told that what she is doing is GOOD for her. She is not offered any therapy. She is expected to go about her business as if she has just blown her nose and been rid of a nasty cold. Not the deliberate and violent removal of a part of her body that is alive! Growing.
I say that mandatory ultrasounds would save many lives, because it's hard to kill something that you see moving, clearly alive! Heck! some people are squeamish about killing bugs for goodness sake, but the same folks could kill a child (as long as they can't see it).
Show them the truth! Support your local Right to Life organization and Pregnancy centers. Purchase ultrasound machines for them if you can. Or just give what you can. I spent $30 for a dinner last night. That money goes straight to local efforts to educate folks on the truth of life. Is that too much? Yeah, it's hard times..but folks will spend $30 at the movies..at another restaurant..at the mall, and think nothing of it. Your $ could be the little needed to purchase a machine that would save a million lives! Even if just saved one, isn't that enough?
I can't apologize if this post makes anyone feel uncomfortable. Abortion is uncomfortable.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
I'd like you to meet...
our little gift.
Just 10 weeks and growing. Please keep this little one in your prayers. We'll be back to see this tiny one in 5 weeks. Pray that the fibroids (you can see one on the lower right hand corner) that surround it do not invade it's space and that they degenerate or just stay out of the way! Mother of Perpetual Help, Pray for Us!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Resisting The Devil - A Review
I wasn't sure what lead me to choose Resisting the Devil by Neal Lozano to review. When I received the book I actually became a bit apprehensive about reading it. The title threw me off and I got stuck on that work "Devil". I started to wonder why I had chosen this one and put off reading it for a week.
It sat on the counter, reminding me each day of my choice to review it. So I took it with me to Adoration. I figured that's a great place to start resisting. Right?
It turned out to be excellent. Both Adoration and the book. Mr. Lozano lays out a plan of healing in Resisting The Devil. His is a healing ministry. Not necessarily physical healing, but spiritual ones, and that we, the laypeople of The Church are called to this healing ministry. He explains how the Catholic Church has always encouraged this type of ministry, even though it fell out of fashion in society, along with the devil and sin.
He offers a method of deliverance prayer, that is rooted in scripture and reliant on the sacramental life of The Church. Mr. Lozano clearly defines the rite of exorcism in The Church and explains the difference between exorcism and deliverance ministry.
I highly recommend this book for those who feel they may be called to deliverance ministry. To spiritual healing.
A few weeks later, just after I had finished this book, I attended Adoration and one of our Deacons was leading. He spoke about his healing ministry and prayer group that meets weekly at our church. I realized at that moment why I had chosen Mr. Lozano's book. It was not for me, but for me to pass along. So I did, to our Deacon.
You can find Resisting the Devil at The Catholic Company. Click here for more info.
I am a reviewer for The Catholic Company and received this book free of charge to review.
Monday, August 16, 2010
A Simple Prayer
My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think that I am following your will does not meant that I am actually doing so, But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road though I may know nothing about it. Therefore, will I trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death, I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.
- Thomas Merton
Ouch! That's my bad toe!%#%$#& UPDATE!
I have to take my middle daughter to the "procedure clinic" today. She's having her ingrown toenail removed. Please say a prayer for her, as I'm not so good with needles in places where nerve endings congregate. In fact, say a prayer for me. :)
Well, Go figure! I get my girl, whose been hyping herself up for the last two weeks, to the hospital for the "procedure". The resident comes in, says the toe is not infected. We could go ahead with a removal, or just work on it at home for about two weeks and it should heal up. If it doesn't, than have it removed. He said the removal process does not guarantee that it won't come back in 6-8 months.
WTF?!?!?! Why didn't the person (and I don't know if it was a doc, PA, nurse what? They just wear a military uniform, so I don't know)tell me that last week? I could have been treating her at home all this time! She was in "relifappointment". Relief at not having to have the "procedure" but disappointed at the same time because of the anxiety that she suffered to get here. Oooooooooh! Burn me up, let me tell ya.
So I opted out of the painful removal and will treat her at home, now that I have the instructions. They could have saved her the pain and anxiety and me the time, if they had just had the original whatever-she-was give me those instructions.
Thanks for your prayers all the same. They never go to waste. :)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Oh Baby!
I was invited to attend a baby shower today for a wonderful woman.
She's having her eighth little bundle of joy!
I am amazed at how God trusts us in the cooperation of life.
Yet, how hard it is for us to trust Him with daily struggles.
This family is one of the best families I've ever met
and I was blessed to be able to celebrate with her.
I had a lot of fun crafting these.
Making things for others is always such a joy.
They are really easy..
size 1 or newborn diapers
cupcake papers
disposable tin or basket or whatever
pretty ribbon
open diapers all the way
fold in half lengthwise
roll together, tuck edges
tie with pretty ribbon
pull center upward to desired appearance
put in cupcake paper
give away...
Smile and love a baby. They have no idea why they are here..but they love you anyway.
my precious preteen..just 12 short years ago.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Well, I was tagged for this meme twice and so I figured I best do something about it. By both Sarah and Patty.
If you haven't seen it yet, it's the Five Favorite Devotions meme. What's so dern funny is you can find my five here at Prayer4theJourney
Here's a recap, oh and my favorite is at the bottom.
The Rosary
The Divine Mercy
The St. Michael Chaplet (although it's a long one, so I don't say it often enough..but I like to say it with Mother Angelica on EWTN)
The Litany of Humility (introduced to me by Sarah and I've need it ever since)
The Consecration to Mary (or True Devotion by St. Louis De Montfort...this one is a lifelong devotion..not only comprised of individual prayers and rosaries, but a complete consecration of the heart and soul towards our Lord through His beautiful mother. It is something that I labor at daily. Like a long walk up a windy path..not sure of where I am going at times..distracted at times..wholly consumed and straight on at others..)
The only one not on this list and the one I love most of all is Adoration of Our Lord in The Blessed Sacrament. It is here that Jesus teaches me. Sees me. Knows me. I am still learning how to learn from Him, see Him and know Him. I have so far to go.
I am not going to tag anyone else, because most everyone I know has been tagged and also because the ones who haven't have already declared a blog break. But do share your devotions in the comments.
Chocolate Cake..what more can you say?
This recipe comes from PattyinCt. Thank you, thank you, and my children thank you as well.
This cake is oh so chocolatey, kinda fudgy and absolutely divine. Paired nicely with some buttercream I had made earlier..(I thought it was too sweet, but this cake toned it down a bit)
You can find the recipe at Patty's.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Not so yellow "Yellow" cake
Here's the first pic of the first cake I have evah baked from scratch. It's not so yellow.
Since I'm a box mix girl, I compared this to Duncan Hines, my fav and the only box mix I'll use. I found it to be a little heavier and slightly less moist. Could be the flour I used, all purpose. Next time I'll try a finer cake flour, hoping to produce a fluffier texture. However, this is a great texture for wedding cake. I think it would freeze well and hold up under the pressure of tiers.
The kids all agreed. This was much better, all around, than the box mix. Now to work on that frosting.
Are you a box mix or scratch cake baker? What's your preference for either?
Monday, Monday..
so good to me...(la la la la la la..) love those Mama's & Papa's!
Lots of folks do the Multitude Monday thing..a little meme about things they are thankful for..I like the meme's 'cause it makes for easy posting, but I'm not a fan of writing down a thousand things..I have to write down enough already..in fact, did I write the doggies appt on calendar? Lemme go check..
Yep! Whew. Couldn't remember and I've already missed it once.
Anyhow..I've been promising the kids a trip to the waterpark (for all their hard work "last" year) but for various and sundry reasons we have been putting it off. Today was gonna be the day (surprise kids!) but when I check the website..it's closed on Mondays. So I guess, Mondays are not so good to me after all. Bowling? Not the same ..huh?
Well, I'll see what I can do. Dunno. We may have to wait until Tuesday.
Made my first cake from scratch last night. I'll try it today. I hope it tastes good. Yellow cake with chocolate frosting. The frosting is too sweet..I have to work on that. It's just a choco butter cream, but I'm starting to not like the butter cream so much. Gotta come up with something new. I'll take a pic and share the taste results after the kids try it. They are the real judge.
Okie dokie..folks..have a wonderful week and I hope Monday is good to you!
Friday, August 6, 2010

It's been 8 years since my siblings and I have had the opportunity to be together. This was the last time. My sister and lil' big (he's younger than me, but older than my other brother) brother came to visit with all the kids. This pic is of the boy cousins. Now my youngest brother has a little boy to throw in the mix, but who knows when we'll be together again. My lil' big bro is in Afghanistan, his family is in Germany..my sis and her family are thousands of miles away on the west coast and my lil' baby bro is up north. It was good to be able to spend that time with them.
If you could, please keep a special intention of mine in your prayers. I appreciate it so very much!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I was at the library day yesterday..Wednesday is library day here..like you really needed to know that..or maybe I just needed to fill some space in this post. Anyhow..........
I was at the library yesterday and picked up this cute little gem
I haven't had a chance to try this yet, but I will be doing just that in the next few days..
If you try it first please leave a comment and let us know whatcha think..
For 1/2 pound of butter you will need
Carrot, 1 medium
Homogenized milk, 1/4 cup
Heavy Whipping Cream, 3 cups chilled
Salt, a pinch
Grater; saucepan, 1-pint; jar or container with tight lid, 2 qt; fine strainer; bowl, 2 qt; buttermold or small serving dish
Prepare coloring by grating carrot and heating it with milk in saucepan. Scald all remaining equipment - jar, lid, strainer, bowl, mold and wooden spoon. Rinse and chill with cold water.
Strain warm tinted milk into jar. Add cream from refrigerator and fasten lid. Shake jar a minute; open lid to release gas, and refasten. Continue shaking, alternating with a partner.
In about 15 minutes the contents will form a thick mush. Continue shaking until contents resembles wheat grains floating in milk (the time will vary with the age of the cream, its temperature, and your shaking style).
Pour contents through strainer into bowl. Empty the milk from the bowl into another container. Turn the butter back into the bowl and cover with cold water. Stir well; strain off and discard water. Repeat washings until water is clear.
With the back of a wooden spoon work the liquid out of the butter by stirring and pressing it against the bowl. Dividing the butter and working half at a time makes it easier. When all liquid has been freed and poured off, work in a little salt, then press butter into mold or dish. Rinse with cold water an chill. Serve later with homemade bread, unmolding if necessary.
So why make butter when you can buy it? 'Cause it's neato!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
One Room Schoolhouse
It's all the rage in the US! Thousands of children all across the country will return to their one room school houses this year. It's almost like little house on the prairie, except mom is the teacher and there are no tin buckets with which to hold your lunch.
It's the only way to get one on one teacher/student interaction. The opportunity to learn from one another skyrockets. Where else can a junior in high school impart his knowledge of American history to a 4th grader? Where else can a freshman teach a 7th grader how to complete the quadratic formula? Only in these highly specialized, unique one room school houses can this occur on a daily basis.
Anyhow..here are some pics of our one room school house (oh and those are blueberry waffles I made..just had to throw that in there at the end..yum)Some of the books we read.
Our one room schoolhouse. Boys on the left, girls on the right. You can't see two of the desks..they are in the corners. That's my desk in the middle.
This is the chalkboard hubby made. He painted one of the doors from the cabinet with chalkboard paint..there's just something comforting about writing on a chalkboard.
This is the other door from the cabinet..made into an art shelf.
Oh yeah..those blueberry waffles. Mmm. Mmm. Good.
Monday, August 2, 2010
It's the First Day of School!!!
It's the First Day of School
Oh! What joy! O how cool!
I have new pencils! Mechanical ones.
A sparkly new ruler and crayons? Tons!
My desk is so neat, no trash or debris!
I'll keep it this way all year! Watch & See!
I can't wait to get started! To learn and to grow!
The First Day of School is so great dontcha' know!
Cute Giveaway
Mama2Chiklettes is having a little giveaway in honor of her new Etsy shop, The Blue Bench Boutique. Check it out!
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