Hooray! Michael Steele has been elected as the head of the Republican National Committee! And guess what! He's a Catholic. A good one actually. No Biden or Pelosi here.
You can read his bio at the RNC website..This is good news for the Republican party and, I believe, great news for the pro-life movement.
What are your thoughts?
Whaddya Say?
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Finally! A Victory for Conservatives (And Catholics)
Friday, January 30, 2009
The Hot Tub Award
I created this new award for all those folks out there that deserve a good long soak in a hot, bubbly, muscle relaxing little piece of heaven.
There aren't any requirements. You can pass this one on to anyone you know who could use some peace and quiet or need a well-deserved break.
For starters I am sending this one out to Mau, no need for a snuggie or a blanket on the couch..just hop in and let your cares and worries bubble away! And Sarah who's been feeling a bit under the weather and has some sore muscles from all that ice shoveling. Enjoy ladies. Enjoy.
Oh! And don't forget this handy dandy sign for extra relief:
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Photo Slide Show 2009 March For Life - Finally!
click on the arrow at the bottom right corner and view in HQ (high quality).
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The March For Life 2009
The lack of local and national media coverage of the 2009 March For Life is appalling. Especially in light of the fact that President(shiver)Obama chose this day to rescind the Mexico City Policy.
Apparently the economic situation of America is not as bad as we thought. Why else would our President agree to begin funding, with our federal government tax dollars, the selective abortions of women overseas? Does he really feel he is "empowering" these women?
Do you ever wonder if Michelle Obama has had an abortion? Does she advocate it for her daughters? What if they decided to wait and then changed their mind? What if the only procedure to kill their children, oh, um as her husband says it, their mistakes, was to use partial birth abortion? In her email to voters in the 2004 Illinois Senate race she says:
"You've read the alarming news about the Justice Department's request for hospitals to turn over the private medical records of dozens of patients. This cynical ploy is designed to intimidate a group of physicians and force them to drop their lawsuit seeking to have the so-called partial birth abortion ban ruled unconstitutional.
The fact remains, with no provision to protect the health of the mother, this ban on a legitimate medical procedure is clearly unconstitutional and must be overturned."
You can check out the entire email here: Jill Stanek
So my family and I felt it was extremely important to attend this years March for Life in Washington DC. Still decorated in inauguration fashion. Surprise, Surprise: No call from the President this year. But we called on him. He is bound and determined to extinguish his own race. Perhaps he's not content being the first black president. He wants to ensure, through effective genocide, that he is the "only" black president.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Pelosi's Panacea
Just watch..
Now let your jaw drop and realize this woman is the presiding officer of the United States House of Representatives. She is 2nd, Yes, SECOND, in line, after the V.Pres in the Presidential Line of Succession. So..it goes Obama, Biden, Pelosi.
And people were worried about Sarah Palin? Cut me some slack Jack.
BTW, she calls herself a Catholic.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
We Made It!
Home, that is. Home sweet home. We left this am, temp was a frigid 18 degrees. Frigid for me, maybe even warm for others :). We drove into a balmy 51 degrees. I don't even need a jacket! It feels good to be home.
I have so much to post about the March for Life, but I need to collect my thoughts and pictures. I have a nice pot of chili cooking and hungry kids waiting. I will be happy if I never see another fast food joint for quite a while.
Thank you for all of your prayers while we were gone. I sincerely appreciate each and every one.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
On The Road again...
I am currently in MD staying with my brother and sister in law. Bless their hearts for letting my family of 6 invade their small apartment. It is good to see them and visit. Thanks to all of your prayers we made the 10 hour drive safely and without incident. We marched on Thursday, a beautiful day, Thanks Be To God! I got to spend some time with JOT and another very good friend this week. I will be posting pictures of the march and my visit here, when I get back.
We leave tomorrow morning, earl-I! I want to be on the road no later than 4:30 am. That gets us back home at a reasonable hour. We are headed into rain and cold temps. Not as cold as here in MD (although, I know it's much colder up north) but cold for us thin blooded folks.
I had a great time visiting with JOT and wish I had more time to just sit and have coffee for a few more mornings. Driving back into town, I got that sentimental feeling. You know..I know my way around here..I know people here. As sentimental as it was, I know that I was sent down south for a reason. I have met so many great women (and men!) in our new place that there are no regrets.
My closest friends here will all be gone in just a few months. The nature of our military lives. But this place will always hold fond memories for me. We lived here for seven years. That's the longest time I have ever lived in one place. Being the child of a military family we moved all the time. Even after Dad retired, I was only in PA for a short 4 years before moving onto the military myself. I love this life and wouldn't ask for another one. The opportunities and experiences I have had over the years are priceless. Now if I could just remember them all! :) Well, some I would rather forget :0! It's a good life. In the words of Jim Carey from Bruce Almighty "It's good!". B-e-a-Utiful!
I won't post again until Monday. Accept my apologies for being out of the blogosphere for awhile, but be sure I miss you all! Blessings!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
March For Life
Tomorrow we head off to Washington DC for the March For Life. Please keep us in your prayers for a safe trip.
It's a ten hour ride from here and we are excited to head up north and see old friends and attend the March. This is my hubby's first March.
We are in the process of packing and making sure we have all our winter gear. It's been in boxes since we moved down south. Although, today, it actually snowed. We've now seen just about all the weather you can see. Tornado's, drought, hail, torrential rain, extreme heat and now snow. It's great!
So please keep us and all the marchers in your prayers. Thanks and Blessings!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Margie's Moments
Come Holy Spirit...
Want an easy three word prayer that works miracles? Just pray these words...
Come Holy Spirit
when you are distracted...when you are angry........
Come Holy Spirit
when you are impatient...when you don't have the answer...
Come Holy Spirit
Anytime you need to refocus your thoughts and your soul
say this simple prayer to bring peace and calm to your day.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
This year I am going to keep a log of all the books I read. From the hefty non-fiction to the thinnest slice of fiction.
Do any of you do this? Do you have an organized system to keep track of what you have read? I am very good for forgetting fiction, soon after I read it. It's like I am making room for more. The problem is that happens with the non-fiction stuff sometimes.
So far this year here is what I have completed reading:
Child 44. You can view it here on Amazon.
I am currently reading about 4 books at the same time. Both fiction and non-fiction.
I hope this gives me a better understanding of how and what I read.
So..here's a question for you, What is your favorite book and Why?
Saturday, January 17, 2009
I feel like..
I have to post. Except, I don't know what to post about. The boys left early this morning to go clean the scout house, the girls are folding laundry and watching t.v., and I have the opportunity to enjoy some quiet in my room for a change.
My thoughts are all over the place. I don't know what to do with myself. I want to enjoy this quiet, but I probably should be cleaning something. The dead grass outside keeps finding it's way in the house. I swept 7 times yesterday. I know it needs it now. I could mop. I could vacuum, dust. I did start some laundry. I could do all these things, yet I want to enjoy this quiet. But I can't keep my mind quiet.
So I sit here, posting about nothing really. Just fleshing it all out. I have to work tonight. On days when I work there is a constant clock ticking in my mind. I have to be there at 5 pm. So all day long I am thinking, I'm running out of time for this or that..I only have 5 hours or 3 hours or 2 hours until I go to work. Ugh. I love my work though. I enjoy it. We have a new girl, young. She's in concession with me. She talks a lot. She talks a lot about other people. She claims to be Wiccan but she believes in God. I find her very interesting. A contradiction. She is helping me (without knowing it) mind my tongue. She is helping me(in a weird way) learn how to avoid gossiping. It's not always easy and I don't always make it, but she's teaching me. It's OJT.
Okay..my daughter has come to find me. No more rambling posting here. Gotta go. Blessings on your day!
Friday, January 16, 2009
The Answer is...
I decided to take part in this Meme I found at Keeper of The Keys.
Here are the instructions:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me".
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. (I get to pick the questions).
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
And Here are the questions that Shelly sent me:
1. What made you decide to start a blog and was there someone in particular who prodded you to start one?
My good friend Sarah at Ora Et Labora inspired me to start a blog. I had been thinking of a way to put my ideas out to others..to share..to get feedback and this has been a very good venue.
2. What states have you lived in?
Texas, California, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Georgia, Florida, Maine, and Virginia
3. Are you a stickler for a clean organized home?
Nope. I am a clutter bug. I usually have papers and mail all over the house. I have plenty of "organizing" bins, but rarely are they used for actual organizing. Unless we have company. Than I make quick use of them. :) I do like a clean bathroom though. That usually gets the most attention around here.
4. Which one of the saints most resembles your character/personality?
Oh, man. That's a tough one. I am just beginning to learn about the Saints and don't feel like I could choose one that is most like me.
5. If you could ask God one question, what would it be?
Wow. Hmmmm. Wow. I guess it would be "How'm I doin?" you know, with all he's given me.
There it is. My answers. If you would like to take part in this leave me a comment and I'll send you your questions. It's really quite fun!
Rock Stars and Jesus Freaks
Guess where i was last night. Sitting right in the middle (wellsort of off to the right) of WinterJam 2009! That's right folks. Non-stop Christian Rock and there was even a love offering.
My family and I sat just right stage of Francesca Battiscelli, Hawk Nelson, Brandon Heath and...are you ready?!?!?!?...Can you dig it!?!?!?!?...TOOOOOOOOBYYYYYMAC! Tobymac. Excuse the hysteria. I have to say, Mr. Mac brought the house down. I didn't lose most of my hearing until he arrived and the cadre of young women behind me proceded to make sounds in ranges I didn't think were possible.
He put on a great show. My son is a big fan of Mr. Mac and it was a joy to watch him dance and sing along at his very first rock concert! Dare I say, I almost cried. It was beautiful!
Hey, even I got into the handwaving, arm pumping, music!That I was made to love You
I was made to find You
I was made just for You
Made to adore You
I was made to love
And be loved by You
You were here before me
You were waiting on me
And You said you'd keep me
Never would you leave me
I was made to love
And be loved by You
Those are some of the lyrics.
We filled James Brown Arena. We even heard the story of a Korean orphan who was adopted through Holt International, and there was a push to adopt children. I was surprised at that. Not literally take them home, but to sponsor them monetarily.
I was glad we went, my ears hurt and I couldn't understand half of what was said on the mics, but it was fun! Fun, I Tell ya! That Tobymac doesn't disappoint. One heckm of a show!
Here's a clip of one of his songs...this is a very toned down version..last night was just righteous man, righteous!
Friday Fast For the Unborn
Heavenly Father, You create men in Your own image, and You desire that not even the least among us should perish.In Your love for us, You entrusted Your only Son to the holy Virgin Mary. Now, in Your Love,protect against he wickedness of the devil,those little ones to whom You have given the gift of life.
Friday Fast 8-Noon, complete fast. If you read this pray for those fasting and if you join the fast please post a comment so we can pray for you as well.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Don't Forget
I wanted to post this now, lest I forget. :)
Tomorrow is the Friday Fast for the Unborn. I will put up a post as usual in the am but here's the reminder. 8-Noon, complete fast.
The March for Life is upon us. Just two days after the inauguration. I don't know what DC will be like but we will be there. Ready to welcome the new President with a message of Life!
Put the Friday Fast on your calendars! If you cannot participate please pray for those who do.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Saints and Silence
has told me the Saints she was inspired to choose for me.
St. Angela Merici and St. Gianna Beretta Molla.
I have lots of reading to do to discover these holy women. Thanks JMJ!
I was speaking with JOT on the phone earlier about prayer. I have always had difficulty praying rote prayers in my mind..lots of distractions, etc. I have found it's much easier to pray them out loud. During Adoration it is a supreme act of the will to concentrate on Jesus and not say or "think" anything. I began to wonder why this is and if I am the only one who deals with this.
Then I read a post by a young woman who had attended a Latin Mass. She spoke about the difficulty of following along with the language but also that most of the Mass was spent in silence.
That's where it hit me. I am a Novus Ordo Catholic. I've only been to one Latin Mass in my life, as an adult. I was born and raised on the N.O. I realized that I had no experience with praying and worshipping in silence. The N.O. Mass is filled with songs and responses by the congregation. There is not a whole lot of quiet time. I had learned how to pray out loud.
I don't even really know where this is going but I thought it was interesting and wondered if anyone else had thought of this?
Cheeky Pink Girl: I Went To My First Latin Mass
Manly Observations
Wargames. Have you seen it? Or should I ask, what self-respecting 80's kid hasn't seen it. It's the first real hacker movie and it's just crazy! Crazy I tell ya!
My oldest picked it from the library yesterday. We decided to watch it on the Clearplay and I am glad we did. I hadn't remembered just how much foul language there is in that movie. The Clearplay silences the words. Doesn't take out the clip or voiceover them, just goes quiet for a sec and then back to sound. We have watched two movies now using Clearplay and I have to say I am glad we bought it.
What I observed last night and what I have noticed in many other films with foul language is this, it's usually the adult male figures who curse the most. Using the "f" word and taking the Lord's name in vain the most often. Women are not often portrayed with such a filthy mouth.
That got me thinking. Why is it that the adult male characters, heroic or not, use such language? It doesn't matter what character they play, nowadays you can be assured that one of them will be chock full of curse words. Do professional, mature men really speak that way? I don't think so. So why does Hollywood choose to portray men in such a manner? It's a disgrace.
In a professional workplace, such as the NORAD building in Wargames, the men are in suits, representatives of the United States. Military men in uniform. Professional men who have to make the decisions that ensure the safety of our country, and yet with each curse word and epithet they lower and debase the character.
Generally, it's the women in the movies who are lowered and debased. At least that's what get's talked about. I think that's not so true. For most men I know, while they may use a curse word here and there, the "f" word isn't an integral part of their speech. Neither is taking the Lord's name in vain.
These are just my observations. I think that in Hollywood today there are too many bad examples for our young boys out there. Weak, embarrassed, pitiful men all the way to men with too much machismo for their own good. Yet it seems that by giving the lead male character some foul words to say, they are trying to make him look tougher.
I don't think my boys need to be that tough. So..we Clearplay it out. If you haven't heard of Clearplay or want to know more info just click here. It's a great tool and I'm glad we invested in it. Your thoughts?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
My mind is spinning
With words like "oestrogen, progesterone, ovulation, anovulatory" and abbreviations of every sort. LH, BIP, BOM, ER, BBT. I am trying to keep it all straight.
I didn't realize there were so many different forms of NFP. With no teacher in sight I am going to have to learn this on my own. There is a home study kit I can purchase and will probably end up doing so. I thank the many friends who have offered me info and support.
While I was sitting at this computer, doing all this research, here comes my oldest. Lifting up his armpit he says, "Does it look like there's more hair here?" I almost choked on my coffee. "Yep. There sure it." He walked away a bit crestfallen, I called after him, "You're becoming a real man!" Then he comes back.."when you get old does all your body hair turn white?" I said yes. He replies, "I don't want to look like a Yeti." and walked out. :) It's so darn hilarious to think that I have teenager and am possibly going to be having a newborn. I can't wrap my mind around it right now. I just laugh. It's all I can do.
So..back to work..do any of you out there in the blogosphere have experience with NFP? Anything I can add to my research will be extremely helpful.
I have also asked +JMJ+ to pick a saint for me and my family. I can't wait to see how God inspires her. She is so awesome for doing this.
Monday, January 12, 2009
The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today: January 12, 2009
Outside my window..the sun is shining!
I am thinking...about NFP
I am thankful for...life.
From the learning rooms..I have to grade Math. Ugh.
From the kitchen...breakfast is in full swing.
I am wearing...jeans and a comfy shirt.
I am creating...this blog post, at the moment.
I am going...to have some more coffee...yum.
I am reading...Salvation is From The Jews and The Diary of St. Faustina.
I am hoping...to get my to do list done today.
I am hearing...It is, surprisingly, quiet!
Here is picture thought I am sharing:
O Jesus, eternal joy of my heart, You continue to bless me in indescribable ways. Your mercy and love are unfathomable. O Incomprehensible Love, You have shown me, despite all of my weakness and inconsistency, Your constant Love and unimaginable depth of mercy. My Lord and My God I love you.
You can participate here.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
The Feast of The Baptism of The Lord
From The St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology.
Isaiah 42:1-4,6-7 (or Acts 10:34-38 or Is 40:1-5, 9-11 or Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7)
Psalm 29:1-4, 9-10 (or Ps 104:1-4, 24-25, 27-30)
Acts 10:34-38
Mark 1:7-11
The Liturgy last week revealed the mystery of God’s plan - that in Jesus all peoples, symbolized by the Magi, have been made “co-heirs” to the blessings promised Israel. This week, we’re shown how we claim our inheritance.
Jesus doesn’t submit to John’s baptism as a sinner in need of purification. He humbles Himself to pass through Jordan’s waters in order to lead a new “exodus” - opening up the promised land of heaven so that all peoples can hear the words pronounced over Jesus today, words once reserved only for Israel and its king: that each of us is a beloved son or daughter of God (see Genesis 22:2; Exodus 4:22; Psalm 2:7).
Jesus is the chosen servant Isaiah prophesies in today’s First Reading, anointed with the Spirit to make things right and just on earth. God puts His Spirit upon Jesus to make Him “a covenant of the people,” the liberator of the captives, the light to the nations. Jesus, today’s Second Reading tells us, is the One long expected in Israel, “anointed...with the Holy Spirit and power.”
The word Messiah means “one anointed” with God’s Spirit. King David was “the anointed of the God of Jacob” (see 2 Samuel 23:1-17; Psalm 18:51; 132:10,17). The prophets taught Israel to await a royal offshoot of David, upon whom the Spirit would rest (see Isaiah 11:1-2; Daniel 9:25).
That’s why people of the whole Judean countryside and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem were going out to John. But it isn’t John they’re looking for. God confirms with His own voice what the Angel earlier told Mary - Jesus is the Son of the Most High, come to claim the throne of David forever (see Luke 1:32-33).
In the Baptism that He brings, the voice of God will hover over the waters as fiery flame, as we sing in today’s Psalm. He has sanctified the waters, made them a passage-way to healing and freedom - a fountain of new birth and everlasting life.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Reminders and Reversals
You might be wondering what the heck that title is all about. I'll tackle Reminders first..
- I will do my absolute best to post a reminder
for the Friday fast on
Thursday evening.
- Remember to catch yourself up to date on FOCA.
Just a few days now until Obama gets the
chance to make it happen. Know the Facts!
- Love your neighbor as yourself.
(I had to throw that one in
there, your "neighbor" includes your children)
Now Reversals..This is where I need all you prayer warriors out there. About 6 years ago my husband had the big V. (vasectomy) I don't recommend sterilization in any form. There is nothing like losing your fertility. There is nothing like losing it without your consent.
Well, then (and God is soooo good) he had a conversion experience and was accepted into the Catholic Church. As soon as he confessed his vasectomy I could feel the graces begin to flow back into our marriage. Ever since then, we have been looking into, researching, sidestepping and beating around the bush about a reversal. He was told by his doctor at the v. appt. that it was highly unlikely he could get a reversal and that it would work. He was also told that it was major surgery and in some cases life threatening. All of this served to put up a wall around him. I don't blame him at all..it was pretty scary stuff.
Then..we moved..we came to this good ol' great South and I met this great group of ladies and ended up in San Antonio on a women's retreat. On my knees in front of the first class relics of St. Therese of Lisieux, in the most beautiful basilica dedicated to her, I asked her for her intercession in this matter.
When I returned home, my husband tells me, as he was setting his regular doctor's appt.'s, he went ahead and scheduled a referral to urology to see if about a reversal. Come to find out, he made this call the same day I was on my knees having a serious conversation with The Little Flower. (She has completely won me over)
To make a very long story short, my husband is scheduled to have a reversal on Jan 29th. Please pray that it is successful and he suffers no complications. Whether or not a new baby comes from this(but I sure do hope it does) I am so thankful to St. Therese for her intercession and to God for His mercy and love in allowing us the opportunity to raise more flowers for His garden.
Thank you in advance for your prayers for my hubby. And for sticking through to the end of this post!
Friday Fast For The Unborn
Okay, so I was not able to follow up with this over the holidays. However, I am back on track now. Whew.. Please join in with the fast or with your prayers. Blessings!
Heavenly Father, You create men in Your own image, and You desire that not even the least among us should perish.In Your love for us, You entrusted Your only Son to the holy Virgin Mary. Now, in Your Love,protect against he wickedness of the devil,those little ones to whom You have given the gift of life.
Friday Fast 8-Noon, complete fast. If you read this pray for those fasting and if you join the fast please post a comment so we can pray for you as well.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Tragedy in Washington
I read the following article during my morning news. Please pray for this young girl. It is a tragedy that she felt this a necessary thing to do.
Wash. teen charged with drowning newborn in toilet
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
A Little Food, A Little Music..
Okay..class one done! I set up the "Something is wrong here" kitchen. Hazards and a general mess everywhere. I gave the kids 1 minute to look around and write down all the hazards they could see. We discussed proper kitchen safety and food handling. I have ended up with mostly ages 8-10. Not what I thought I would have but we'll make it work.
Next week we begin cooking. We are going to make breakfast. Eggs and pancakes, maybe some french toast. I am going to work on the menu and ingredient/supply list today.
On another note, I am so excited. My oldest son is having his first guitar lesson as we speak. This wonderful man from church has agreed to take time out and come and teach him a thing or two. It's good for two reasons. One, he's learning guitar, but more importantly, he's learning to interact with another adult on a personal level. This is not easy for him. He's having to think about what he wants out of playing the guitar and ask himself questions like "why do I want to learn this?" It sounds like a no brainer...but he's not used to doing that. He has always just sort of done what we told him to do. Am I making sense? I guess it's hard to explain. I am just thrilled that he has this opportunity.
Plus, Mr. C brought me a Guamanian cookbook to peruse and make some copies of. I can't wait to get to it.
Have a great day and thanks so much for your words of encouragement with this class of mine!
Blessings all around to you!
Of Nerves and E. Coli
Today is the big day! I am going before 11 kids who want to learn how to cook. Whew.. I have prepared a presentation on Kitchen Safety/Hygiene and Safe Food Preparation. I even printed out some cute E. Coli and Salmonella to demonstrate with.
Why is it that I can get up before strange adults and give a presentation but when I think about standing up in front of kids I go all nervous nelly!?!?!?! I do this everyday! No easy task, this is. Ooooh! Maybe I'll go all Yoda on them.
Probably not a good idea, seeing as I don't know enough Jedi speak to get through an hour.
Wish me luck, I hope these kiddos are ready for me! Man! I bet they haven't seen anything like me before! Wow! I'm gonna knock their aprons off! Whoooo boy! Watch out kids! Here I come!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today, January 6, 2009
Outside my window..it is quiet and gray.
I am thinking...the wonder of my children as they enjoy their gifts from the Three Kings.
I am thankful for...life.
From the learning rooms..my littlest one wants to read the dictionary! Yay!
From the kitchen...breakfast is in full swing.
I am wearing...my jammies, an old workout shirt and extra extra large pink sleeping pants..soooo comfortable.
I am creating...a cooking class agenda.
I am going...to have some more coffee...yum.
I am reading...Salvation is From The Jews and The Diary of St. Faustina.
I am hoping...the sun comes out today.
I am hearing...my oldest has his tunes on already..Matt Maher at 8 am..wow!
Here is picture thought I am sharing: This time last year, we were taking in the sights as we prepared to say Goodbye to the DC area. If you have never been inside the White House, plan it! It's an awesome trip....
You can participate Here.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Of Pronouns and Surface Area
Whew! I thought at one point I was at a ballon fest..all the hot air that was being blown through pursed lips today. That was just during Math! Oh..vacations..they can wreak havoc on an overachiever who realized he forgot the formula for surface area. English presented it's own defense and almost won! I believe they have finally learned the meaning of the word "review."
The best part of my day..my oldest says to me "I need to study." That's it. But those are the sweetest words I have ever heard come out of that boy. I felt like Sally Field..."He get's it! He really get's it!"
All is well..we are on the way to scouts for an Epiphany party. One of the scouts arranged for a blessing on the scout house. Let me tell you, they really need an exterminator (do not look behind the shower curtain!) but perhaps Father will be able to banish those critters with his blessing. :)
I just got asked to teach a cooking class for middle/high school at the homeschool group we are part of. I'm game. Just have to have an agenda by Wednesday. Yes. This Wednesday. So I will be a busy girl tonight and tomorrow. Any suggestions? Help!
So, one down and only 115 more days to go! Then we can heave a big sigh and go jump in the pool every single day!
UPDATE: Thanks for the ideas Mau! I was thinking the same thing. The class will be 5th graders and up so I will be able to talk on a more adult level. Thanks for your help!
David Bowman Prints
UPDATE:Free Print offer has ended.
Just look at these beautiful David Bowman prints! Shauna, at Trying to Stay Calm, talked to David and got his permission to post these.
I wanted to share these beautiful pictures and what the artist has to say about each one of them!
David Bowman: has had a passion for art ever since he could pick up a pencil. He loves creating images of the Savior that inspire and uplift. Along with his Christian fine art, David has also written and illustrated a series of scripture storybooks for children titled "Who's Your Hero". Check out his website at www.bowman-art.com to see more of his precious art.
The Savior tells us we need to become as little children to inherit the kingdom of God. I've often wondered what it is about little children Jesus loves most, and I think its their innocence. They are clean slates, seeing the world and others through untarnished eyes. Their hearts are pure, without the baggage of cynicism and self-doubt. In this piece, I've tried to imagine how a child would act upon meeting the Master for the first time. Without reservation or inhibition, I think he would simply want to play with Him. He would be at complete ease, allowing his pure little heart to soak in the love and laughter of His pure, infinite heart. Its no wonder Christ delights in these little ones and sets them up to be our examples.
One of the greatest human needs is a sense of security. In all aspects of life, we naturally gravitate towards anything that makes us feel safe. In this piece, I wanted to convey a sense of complete peace and calm like only the Savior can provide. It's a security that allows us to rest assured, without fear or worry, when we put ourselves trustingly in His arms. Little children have that inherent kind of trust in their parents, so it's fitting that the man and girl who modeled for "Security" are actually father and daughter. They generated
the exact feel I was looking for.
"My Child"
This piece conveys an intimate, up-close-and-personal feeling of the Savior's love. Notice how all the lines draw your attention and point towards Jesus' face in the center. I chose the name "My Child" because the only thing that could compare (even remotely) to Christ's compassion for us is the love of a parent for his/her child. This image is also intended to put things in perspective. Above all, we are God's children first. He allows us the privelege of experiencing parenthood for ourselves and we are entrusted to be the mothers and fathers of His children here on earth.
Back To The Grindstone
The Holiday is over folks! Today we start back to school and getting this house back in order after the Christmas holiday. No more ribbons and bows, lights and stockings. We begin to decorate our table with school books :) Yeah!
The laundry monster is back and threatens to overwhelm if I don't move quick. I feel like a Jedi in need of The Force!
I start back to work this week as well. Truth be told, I have missed it. I am looking forward to getting back and greeting and serving the customers. I work at a movie theater and it's just a fun place to work.
Last night we were invited to dinner at the home of a sweet woman from our church. She welcomed us into her family with open arms. Father B. joined us and it was a great time. We met a great homeschooling family. Their kids are the same age as mine and they got along famously. We made plans to get together again and I am looking forward to it.
I am beginning to understand why God put it in our hearts to attend this parish. We are truly being spiritually fed. Thanks be to God!
But back to today. The good ol' grindstone is calling and minds need sharpening. Off we go into the wild blue homeschooling yonder! Have a great day!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
The Epiphany of Our Lord
Today Father Dave hit the spot with his homily. He spoke of Epiphany and that it is not just a memory. Not something to look back on, but something that happens every day, many times a day. The Epiphany of the birth of a new child, or a first word spoken, or a beautiful sunrise. It is seeing the wonder and awe of God's Love for us in His creation.
He spoke of the words of the prayer and hymn "O Holy Night". Fall on your knees. O Hear the angels voices. O night Divine." Fall on your knees at the awesome beauty and splendor of God's creation. Take time to notice the beauty in what surrounds us. Your home, your family, your work. It is there, waiting to be discovered and take your breath away.
Let God's beauty and majesty take your breath away. The kindness of a friend or neighbor. The smile of your child. The joy in knowing they are experiencing something for the first time. The gentle kiss from your spouse. The smell of dinner cooking. The taste of something created with love. These are those "fall on your knees" moments.
Father read a piece from Ann Landers at the end of his homily. On resolutions in the new year. One that struck me was this "Deep six the trash. You wouldn't eat garbage - why put it in your head?" I want to add or feed it to your children. Sometimes this world can be so hard on parents. It is not easy to say no to the world for the sake of your children. It is definitely not easy to teach them to say no.
Love them. Love them. Love them. Don't let them eat the garbage.
You can find the rest of Ann Landers' column here.
I love each and every one of you. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this little blog of mine. May you always find it to be uplifting and joyful. And if it's not..send me a comment to fix it. :)
Thursday, January 1, 2009
What The World Needs Now...
I heard this song today and it made me think about what we need in this world. Love. Maybe...we could all benefit from showing Love to one another. Not this world's love, but the Love that is patient, the Love that is Kind, the Love that is not jealous and envies no one. Love that lasts forever.
I Want to Know What Love Is - Foreigner
I gotta take a little time, a little time to think things over
I better read between the lines, in case I need it when I'm older
Now this mountain I must climb, feels like the world upon my shoulders
Through the clouds I see love shine, it keeps me warm as life grows colder
In my life there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
Can't stop now, I've traveled so far, to change this lonely life
I want to know what love is, I want you to show me
I want to feel what love is, I know you can show me
I'm gonna take a little time, a little time to look around me
I've got nowhere left to hide, it looks like love has finally found me
In my life there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
Can't stop now, I've traveled so far, to change this lonely life
I want to know what love is, I want you to show me
I want to feel what love is, I know you can show me
I want to know what love is, I want you to show me
(And I wanna feel) I want to feel what love is
(And I know) I know you can show me
Let's talk about love - I want to know what love is
The love that you feel inside - I want you to show me
And I'm feeling so much love - I want to feel what love is
No, you just can't hide - I know you can show me
I want to know what love is (let's talk about love), I know you can show me
I wanna feel it too - I want to feel what love is
I wanna feel it too, and I know and I know - I know you can show me
Show me love is real, yeah - I want to know what love is...
The Feast of Mary The Mother of God
What a happy beautiful day! Today is the feast of Our Blessed Mother. Thanks Be to God for offering her to us, as our heavenly Mother. Thank you also to my earthly mother, for her gift of imparting the Faith to her children. It is because of the foundation she helped to build that God has seen fit to bless us. I am grateful for her "yes" to life and for the gift of my parents marriage. Together they have been a model for me and a witness to the blessings of the Sacrament of Marriage.
Today, Father Simon told us that if we do not see Jesus in our mothers, than we won't be able to see Him in anyone. I see Him in my mother, in both my parents. I thank them for their many gifts and blessings. For their endless prayers, for the foundation they built in me.
May God Bless them and keep them, May He make His face to shine up on them and May He look kindly upon them and give them Peace.
Happy New Year
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